Say It Right in English for Everyone Lessons

Say It Right In English

Say It Right in English for Everyone benefits all users from beginners to pros! It reflects the rapid, goal-oriented nature of our fast paced world today and gets you up and running and productive in General American English! Because of the effectiveness of the EPLS pronunciation system, a completely new of way of teaching language has been developed which essentially teaches users a second language in the same manner that you learned your first language; i.e., through sound, object association and assimilation.

Struggling to speak a new language has always been an accepted part of the learning environment. Yes you can read it and write it but emphasis on pronunciation is not a requirement and worse yet, it is left to the user to figure it out. This leads to insecurity as to what the actual pronunciation is.  Say It Right incorporates the Worlds’ Number one Pronunciation System, the EPLS Vowel Symbol System and will never leave you wondering how to pronounce a word or phrase!


I Say It Right and HelloTalk are partnering to bring you the latest in language learning, pronunciation, accent reduction and more!  You can See, Hear and Say as well as join conversation with native speakers.

SAY SPANISH RIGHT, and SAY KOREAN RIGHT, have launched on HelloTalk, the largest Language Exchange community with over 30 million users from more than 150 countries around the world.  SAY JAPANESE RIGHT coming soon!

Download HelloTalk in the App store today! 

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